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Top 5 Reasons to make the switch to LED

Top 5 Reasons to make the switch to LED

In today’s marketplace, there are many lighting choices available for businesses. Options range from traditional incandescent bulbs to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), to halogens, to light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

LEDs are becoming the popular choice for general lighting applications across all sectors ― architectural, offices, automotive, showrooms, broadcasting, electronic instrumentation, and entertainment, to name a few.

There are plenty of excellent reasons to switch your existing lighting to LED.

Here are GO Lighting’s Top 5 Reasons to Switch:

#1- Energy Savings

LEDs require less energy because they draw far less electricity than other lighting technologies, such as fluorescents and halogens. LEDs only lose 5% of the generated energy to heat, and the rest is converted into light.

In fact, because of their reduced energy consumption, LEDs emit less heat. This makes them the perfect choice to use in buildings that can get hot — an issue that restaurant and manufacturing industries have to deal with all the time. Less heat means less demand on air conditioning systems and cooling systems. This also makes LEDs a safer option, as they are very unlikely to overheat.

Compared to CFLs, LED lights are up to 80% more efficient and 75% more efficient when compared to a halogen lamp.

#2- Environmentally Friendly

Unlike fluorescents and CFLs, LEDs do not contain highly toxic mercury. This helps to reduce toxic waste when the LED bulbs are disposed.

LEDs also last a very long time. Using fewer LED lamps means less waste in the form of packaging, transportation, and disposal.

Switching over to LEDs is a simple way to dramatically lower your carbon footprint.

#3- Affordability

Until recently, LED lights were beyond the price point for most consumers. But now, as they continue to approach the cost of the old/traditional bulbs, LED technology is affordable.

Once you switch over to LED, you will use significantly less energy, and your monthly bills will decrease — and this will result in cost savings.

#4- Longevity

LED lights last much longer than other lighting products. LED bulbs and diodes have a superior operational life — some can last up to 200,000 hours.

LEDs typically last up to 25 times longer than halogen and incandescent bulbs, and up to three times longer than CFLs.

Additionally, LEDs do not have filaments or glass bulbs, which makes them very durable. ​​

#5- Maintenance

Unlike conventional light sources that reduce in output and abruptly fail, LEDs do not normally suddenly stop working — and they do not require maintenance. This is not only a huge time saver, but also saves money on servicing and repairs

Schlagwörter: LED
